Vespa Scooters and Their History
Vespa an italian built scooter manufactured by Piaggio. If you have ever seen any older European movies from the 60's I guarantee that you have seen when of these creations. Over the years Vespa's have evolved from single model scooters to a full line of scooters that will satisfy even the most picky consumer.
Vespa's have been a hit since the first one rolled off the assembly line. But now they are mostly known for the painted, pressed steel unibody that houses the complete engine compartment. The flatboard to keep your feet and a prominent front fairing (mainly used for wind protection).
In the 1940's the Vespa was used primarily for troops in World War II. The United States enjoyed these scooters because they were helpful in getting around Nazi defense tactics of destroying roads and bridges in the Dolomites (a section of the Alps) and the Austrian border areas.
With today´s gas prices it is no wonder why Vespa scooters are so popular after so many years of service. Suburbanites are looking for something different to entertain their weekends and for commuters who are tired of filling their gas guzzling vehicles. Over the years though Vespas started to pass away from american society, but fast forward to this day and time. Outfitted with two new models that are environmentally friendly and fuel efficient the Piaggio built Vespa returned to the United States in the year 2000. The ET2 model replaced the usual mineral oil with synthetic oil which meant they emitted less smoke while driving. This model can reach 40 mph and can get up to 60 miles to the gallon.

The company has also released a version of the Vespa that is a hybrid gas/electric for even for fuel economy. They also introduced a scooter with two wheels in front and one in back which grips the road better. This version of the scooter has taken off and is now being copied by motorcycle makers alike.
Kenneth Elliott is the owner of gas scooters. A review site devoted to said subject, gas scooters. Their you will learn more about how to care for gas scooters and how to save when purchasing a gas scooter.
Vespa Scooters
Vespa is one of the oldest known names in scooters, partly because of their long run in the industry. For nearly 60 years Vespa scooters have been manufactured and used as a primary or secondary from of transportation. Originally an Italian company, Vespa scooters were designed to replace bicycles for a better means of transportation. The name Vespa is translated into "wasp" in English, which was what the original body style resembled. Several Vespa scooter models still made have similarities to the original body design, but still many other designs have been made through the company.
The smallest and least powerful Vespa scooters have 50 cc engines while the largest and most powerful engines from Vespa are 200 cc. Vespa scooter engines of all sizes in between are also made to accommodate every type of driver. Since the beginning of Vespa scooters their popularity has spread across the world. Other companies have bought licenses to manufacturer and distribute Vespa scooters in nearly every country. Their popularity grew in part because of the convenient transportation alternative Vespa scooters originally created in cities and countries that greatly needed them to continue growth.
Though new models of Vespa scooters are still being designed and sold, the older, original models have become a valued

possession, now considered vintage. Vintage Vespas are yypically those that have the first designed body style.
Long-time supporters of Vespa scooters look to purchase older Vespa models so they can refurbish them and show off their new looking vintage Vespa. Vintage Vespas are not only valuable because of likeness; they are valuable monetarily as well, which is the main appeal to some collectors.
The parent company of Vespa scooters is Paggio who, in 2000, certified several Vespa Vintage Restoration Shops. These
restoration locations where certified because Paggio saw that each shop had a keen and familiar understanding of mechanically working with old or vintage Vespa scooters as well as with the newer models. There are unique servicing methods and requirements for Vespa scooters, along with old designs of parts that need special attention. The certified Vespa Vintage shops are where the company recommends you take your vintage scooter to ensure quality service.
Through the Vespa scooter catalog you can order Vespa Vintage parts for remodeling old Vespas. The parts are certified original because they are made from the original drawings used to design the first Vespa scooters. Parts for other Vespa scooters can be purchased through the Vespa catalog or from scooter parts retailers online. For extreme advocates of Vespa scooters, new or vintage, there are Vespa clubs in some cities that help bring together those with common interests.
Online Vespa scooter sites provide a medium to contribute your thoughts or questions about Vespa scooters. These
sites offer all varieties of information about Vespa, such as events involving the Vespa brand of scooters, releases of the newest models and books or other publications with Vespa scooter information. Beginner and experienced information can be found at the numerous Vespa scooter sites to help Vespa owners keep up with the latest.
Mopeds Insurance
Mopeds are two-wheeled motorized vehicles with smaller engines lower than 125cc compared to motorbikes. Because of this, it is usually easier to steal, is accident-prone because some may underestimate its speed, and is harder to see on the roads especially during the nights because it is smaller. For these reasons, it is always a good idea to get your mopeds insurance policies.
Just like any other vehicle, when choosing the right mopeds insurance premium, consider that it must cover you, your vehicle and a third party in cases of accidents when somebody gets injured or a property gets damaged. An option covering insurance due to theft and fire is also available. Also, if it is being used for business purposes, like delivery or used for meeting up with clients, then you may also add the premium and insure it for business use.
Online, there are lots of web sites that offer instant insurance quotations. Some also have listed company providers along with their services so you will be able to compare and contrast with just one click. In selecting your moped insurance, be reminded that it will be dependent on your age, experience, the model and brand of your moped and the coverage options. Mostly would cater to just any kind of moped, from Vespa to Honda, or from Peugeot to Yamaha. Some deals are specially offered for those who are only 16 years old, so the premiums would be different. Riders who are older and who are women may also be offered with premiums made especially for them enabling saved money. An example of moped insurance quotations comparison can be found at the online site of Scoot Scoot. They give quick and easy, instant quotations in a simple and impartial quality. It can give you the lowest prices in the market. Nonetheless, whatever your choice would be, be thankful that you can now enjoy the freedom of the open roads and be at peace because of mopeds insurance.